The Healing Journey® Way
It´s not just about the surgery or the treatment itself. Check out how we do it!
The Исцеляющее путешествие
How do we make a complete journey? Beginning from the first contact, all the information and actions you need throughout your healing journey, we will be on your side but a step ahead to prepare a seamless journey for you.
Initial contact
We learn what kind of health problems you have and what you want to achieve.
Free Online Medical Consultation
(No obligations) with our doctors. Sometimes a surgeon, dietician or psychologist. Are you suitable for treatment or are there obstacles? What are your own wishes and needs?
We access our network of physicians
We determine who is most appropriate to perform your particular treatment.
You review & consider our customized Healing Packages
If you decide on the treatment
we prepare and share a treatment plan for the dates you will come. We arrange anything related to your travel that you requested.
One week before traveling, we will contact you.
Pick up at the airport in Antalya – hotel- hospital.
You meet the surgeon/doctor
for pre-evaluation if it's a surgery.
Your personal coordinator is with you. You can reach us 24/7.
Pick up to the airport
We follow up
in your home country as long as needed. Usually up to a year.
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